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    A Lockwork Orange

    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Rubber and Bondage - A Lockwork Orange

    Clip Description

    Rubber and bondage dissects the myth that violence equals the bdsm scene and that equals submissive types not agreeing with their captivity, ***********, pain or suffering; even when enacted by choice. In this rather dark and iconic themed update featuring sandy skarsgard, we combine high levels of pleasure with high levels of discomfort just to see how the two conditions relate. We initiated this bizarre session by enlisting the help of the classic bondage loving front man in dalton ott. This dude can scare creepy away and around these parts we have named him as the mad scientist. His unpredictable vibe and outright scary personality was perfect for this experiment. Dalton did not need any help from his "droogs" over at serious bondage to get this job done.

    after agreeing to embark on a road to the anti-violence, sandy slides on latex stockings and a skirt. The she submits to a very strict and heavy rubber waist/neck combination with a severe posture rod extended all the way out. This set up keeps sandy's head and neck immobilized and puts a real squeeze on her throat. The design provides a very disciplined and strict bondage pose. All the while, sandy seems not to be phased by her impending doom. We witness her surfing the net, texting friends or even snapping self-portraits of herself with her mobile phone. Obviously this **** is in need of a new program and we intended to write the code. Once sandy was laid out on the bed, she began to really struggle with the neck corset. The tight lacing and overall uncomfortable situation caused her some panic. She complained about her struggle to breathe properly so we had to make a few adjustments. Once she was back in position, our fearless scene leader presses on. He straps sandy down using leather cuffs to secure her by the wrists and ankles. These restraints held sandy in a mild x formation but more importantly would help keep her soon to be spasm riddled body from jumping of the bed. Dalton was kind enough to lay a blanket down over the rusty, broken spring laden murphy bed. We did want to preserve sandy's bare and delicate skin. The deteriorated bed sans mattress was a more then acceptable examination table as far as dalton was concerned. We figured we could put sandy bare skinned on the bed next time while connecting it to a car battery... After we determined this level of intensity was not enough to do the job.

    anyway, several e-stim pads were adhered to sandy's body and the electro therapy slash behavior modification ensued. In order to earn her freedom from this bizarre situation, sandy was going to have to earn it. Dalton offered ever increasing electricity levels, letting it flow through her most sensitive body parts; combined with a vibrating magic wand massaging her pussy and clit. Although the reaction from her body was rather violent, you could tell that her internal pleasure was just as powerful. Sandy's mind altering experience took root as we conditioned her to abhor conventional pleasures and require semi-violent levels of discomfort in order to experience sexual pleasure. Without the intense torment and heavy dose of electricity as her constant she is not allowed to reach any kind of orgasmic release. This gives new meaning to the idea of a ****** orgasm but when it is all over I would have to say that our test did not really prove a damn thing... Other than the fact that we are rather sadistic group. Opinions may be divided on the meaning of rubber and bondage and our philosophy but we offer this detached view of sandy skarsgard and her "shocking" experience just the same. Whether you feel discord or just curiosity, our scathing diagnosis of violence and its association with bdsm is one to watch. We guarantee that if "a lockwork orange" does not entertain you it will still entertain you.

    Clip Duration:      13 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4270.24 MB

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    Rubber and Bondage - A Lockwork Orange

    Rubber and Bondage - A Lockwork Orange

    Rubber and Bondage - A Lockwork Orange

    Rubber and Bondage - A Lockwork Orange

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